2013-09-04 文章来源:首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院骨科 杜心如 点击量:3629 我要说
【摘要】目的:探讨腰骶移行椎的影像学形态特点,为腰椎间盘突出症、腰椎滑脱症的诊治提供参考。方法:2004-2009年临床及影像资料完整的腰骶移行椎222例,男109例,女113例。年龄:男45.8±11.5 岁,女46.7±15.8岁。根据横突形态特点按Castellvi进行分类,并对病变节段进行分析。结果:Ⅰ型79例,占35.6% ( Ⅰa 15例;Ⅰb 64例),其中L4-L5突出8例 (Ⅰa 1例,Ⅰb 7例),L5-S1突出15例(Ⅰa 3例,Ⅰb 12例),L4峡部裂、滑脱3例 (Ⅰa 1例,Ⅰb 2例);Ⅱ型51例,占23% (Ⅱa 39例,Ⅱb 12例),其中L4-L5突出20例 (Ⅱa 17例,Ⅱb 3例),L3-L4突出4例 (Ⅱa 3例,Ⅱb 1例),L4峡部裂、滑脱12例 (Ⅱa 7例,Ⅱb 5例);Ⅲ型80例,占36% (Ⅲa 25例,Ⅲb 55例),其中L4-L5突出38例 (Ⅲa 13例,Ⅲb 25例),L4峡部裂12例(均为Ⅲb),L3-L4突出3例 (Ⅲa 2例,Ⅲb 1例);Ⅳ型9例,占4.1%,其中L4-L5突出4例;特殊类型3例,占1.3%,其中L4-L5突出3例。结论:Ⅰ型移行椎L4-L5,L5-S1均可能发生腰椎间盘突出症,与正常腰椎无明显区别,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型只发生L4-L5和L3-L4节段腰椎间盘突出,而不发生L5-S1椎间盘突出,即移行椎以上的节段可发生病变。本组中没有L5峡部裂及滑脱病例,均为L4峡部裂和L4-L5以上节段滑脱,提出了腰骶移行椎的特殊类型,即单纯椎间融合型。
【中图分类号】R323.72, R687.42 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】
The Radiological characteristics of the lumbosacral transitional vertebrae and its clinical relevance
DU Xin-ru,ZHAO Ling-xiu,GU Shaoguang. Department of Orthopedics, Beijing Chao Yang Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100020, China
【Abstract】 Objective: To study the radiological characteristic of the lumbosacral transitional vertebrae and to investigate the relationship between the lumbosacral transitional vertebrae and the disc protrusion and the spondylolisthesis. Methods: 222 patients (male 109, female 113) presented abnormalities of the transverse process of the last lumbar segment to satisfy the critia for lumbosacral transitional vertebrae according to Castellvi’s classification. The average age was 45.8±11.5 in male and 46.7±15.8 in female. All patients had low back pain and sciatica. X-film, CT, MRI were reviewed. Results: There were 79 cases of type Ⅰ (Ⅰa 15,Ⅰb 64 cases) the percent is 35.6%, among these the disc protrusion occur 8 cases in L4-L5 includingⅠa 1,Ⅰb 7,15 cases in L5-S1, includingⅠa 3,Ⅰb 12; 3 cases had spondylolisthesis in L4-L5, 3 cases isthmus occurred in L4 includingⅠa 1,Ⅰb 2. Type Ⅱwere in 51 cases (Ⅱa 39,Ⅱb 12),the percent is 23%. There were 20 cases of disc herniation in L4-L5 (Ⅱa 17,Ⅱb 3),4 cases of disc herniation in L3-L4 (Ⅱa 3,Ⅱb 1),the isthmus in L4 and spondylolisthesis in L4-L5 in 12 cases (Ⅱa 7,Ⅱb 5). Type Ⅲ were in 80cases (Ⅲa 25,Ⅲb 55),among these disc protrusion occurred in L4-L5 38 (Ⅲa 13,Ⅲb 25),the isthmus in L4 and spondylolisthesis in L4-L5 in 12 cases (all in Ⅲb), disc protrusion in L3-L4 (Ⅲa 2,Ⅲb 1). There were disc protrusion in L4-L5 in 4 cases in all of 9 cases of type Ⅳ. We also found 3 cases not classified according to Castellvi’s system, named as “the disc fusion type”. The disc protrusion all in L4-L5 segement. Conclusions: The herniation can occur in L4-L5,L5-S1 in type Ⅰ, the same as the normal lumbar spine. but only occur in L4-L5 in type Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ and “the disc fusion type”. There was no case in L5-S1 segment. There were no case of the spondylolisthesis in L5 in all types, but most common in L4.
【Key words】lumbosacral transitional vertebrae; lumbar disc herniation; lumbar spondylolisthesis
1 临床资料
222例腰骶移行椎患者,其中男109例,女113例。就诊时年龄,男45.8±11.5 岁,女46.7±15.8岁。就诊时均有腰痛,部分病例有坐骨神经痛、间歇性跛行,所有病例均拍摄腰椎正、侧位X线片(腰椎正、侧位X线片包括范围为双侧髂嵴、部分骶骨、第11、12胸椎)可以满足计数及判断需要,其中77例进行了CT检查,29例进行了MRI检查,24例进行了CT和MRI检查,2例进行了CTM和脊髓造影检查。以腰椎间盘突出症、腰椎滑脱症进行手术44例,其余进行保守治疗,包括理疗、神经营养药物、支具等。腰骶移行椎的类型按照Castellvi’s方法进行分类,本组中Ⅰ型79例 ( Ⅰa 15例;Ⅰb 64例),Ⅱ型51例 (Ⅱa 39例,Ⅱb 12例),Ⅲ型80例 (Ⅲa 25例,Ⅲb 55例),Ⅳ型9例,特殊类型,我们称为“椎间融合型”3例。合并其他畸形者,椎板裂6例(Ⅰa 1例,Ⅱb 2例,Ⅲb 3例),L3-L4先天性骨融合1例(Ⅱa),骶管囊肿1例(Ⅲb),L5神经节畸形3例(Ⅲb)。就诊时不同类型患者年龄,Ⅰ型为44.8±13.6岁;Ⅱ型,47.9±12.0岁;Ⅲ型,45.8±14.3岁;Ⅳ型,48.6±20.2岁。各节段类型年龄无统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 腰椎移行椎与腰椎间盘突出症的关系
2.2 腰骶移行椎与滑脱发生节段的关系
3 讨论
3.1 关于腰骶移行椎的分类
3.2 腰骶移行椎与腰椎间盘突出症发生部位的关系
3.3 腰骶移行椎与腰椎滑脱及峡部裂的关系
腰骶移行椎与腰椎滑脱及峡部裂关系报道尚少。我们在以往研究中就发现腰骶移行椎易发生L4峡部裂及L4-L5滑脱,而没有L5峡部裂有滑脱的病例。本研究再次证明了这一点,说明腰骶移行椎时应力集中上移,L4-L5处于高应力状态,这需要生物力学进一步研究。另外,L4峡部细小也可能是原因之一 。腰骶移行椎时髂腰韧带及其周围肌肉韧带是否发生变化,尚无资料报道,但根据以往研究髂腰韧带多附着于L5横突,只有少数附着于L4横突,而且韧带细小[11],故L4缺乏髂腰韧带的保护也可能是其原因之一 。
表1 移行椎类型与腰椎间盘突出症部位关系[n(%)]
Table1 the relationship between the lumbosacral transitional vertebrae and the disc protrusion [n(%)]
类型 Type |
n(%) |
L3-L4(%) |
L4-L5(%) |
L5-S1(%) |
Ⅰ |
79(35.6) |
8(3.6) |
15(6.8) |
Ⅱ |
51(23) |
4(1.8) |
15(6.8) |
Ⅲ |
80(36) |
3(1.3) |
38(17.1) |
Ⅳ |
9(4.1) |
4(1.8) |
融合 fusion |
3(1.3) |
3(1.3) |
总计 Total |
222(100) |
7(3.1) |
68(30.6) |
15(6.8) |
表2 腰骶移行椎类型与腰椎滑脱节段关系[n(%)]
Table2 the relationship between the lumbosacral transitional vertebrae and the spondylolisthesis[n(%)]
类型 Type |
n(%) |
L1-L2(%) |
L2-L3(%) |
L3-L4(%) |
L4-L5(%) |
L5-S1(%) |
Ⅰ |
79(35.6) |
7(3.1) |
Ⅱ |
51(23) |
1 |
2(0.9) |
1 |
12(5.4) |
Ⅲ |
80(36) |
2(0.9) |
3(1.3) |
12(5.4) |
Ⅳ |
9(4.1) |
2(0.9) |
融合 fusion |
3(1.3) |
总计 total |
222(100) |
1 |
4(1.8) |
4(1.8) |
33(14.8) |
表3 腰骶移行椎类型与腰椎峡部裂的关系[n(%)]
Table3 the relationship between the lumbosacral transitional vertebrae and the level of the isthmuic spondylolisthesis[n(%)]
类型 type |
n(%) |
L1(%) |
L2(%) |
L3(%) |
L4(%) |
L5(%) |
Ⅰ |
79(35.6) |
4(1.8) |
Ⅱ |
51(23) |
6(2.6) |
Ⅲ |
80(36) |
1 |
8(3.6) |
Ⅳ |
9(4.1) |
1 |
融合 fusion |
3(1.3) |
总计 Total |
222(100) |
1 |
19(8.6) |
表4 腰骶移行椎类型与腰椎延长的关系[n(%)]
Table 4 the relationship between the lumbosacral transitional vertebrae and the level of the degenerative spondylolisthesis[n(%)]
类型 type |
n(%) |
L1(%) |
L2(%) |
L3(%) |
L4(%) |
L5(%) |
Ⅰ |
79(35.6) |
3(1.3) |
Ⅱ |
51(23) |
1 |
2(0.9) |
6(2.6) |
Ⅲ |
80(36) |
2(0.9) |
1 |
4(1.8) |
Ⅳ |
9(4.1) |
1 |
融合 fusion |
3(1.3) |
总计 Total |
222(100) |
1 |
4(1.8) |
1 |
14(6.3) |
参 考 文 献
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