
2017-07-06   文章来源:北京同仁医院足踝外科矫形中心   作者:Glenn G. Shi, MD, Peter Henning, MD, and Richard M.Marks, MD 点击量:1832 我要说


Correlation of Postoperative Position of the Sesamoids After Chevron Osteotomy With Outcome. Foot Ankle Int. 2015, 37 (3), 274-280.


Background: Postoperative incomplete reduction of the sesamoids has been identified as a potential risk factor for hallux valgus recurrence after proximal osteotomy. However, it is not known whether the postoperative sesamoid position is a risk factor in hallux valgus correction via distal chevron osteotomy with or without dorsal web space release (DWSR).

Methods: In this retrospective study, 169 patients who underwent distal chevron osteotomy with or without DWSR were reviewed. Preoperative and postoperative (6 weeks, 6months, 12 months) weightbearing radiographs were evaluated. Functional hallux valgus angle (HVA), intermetatarsal angle (IMA), and the position of the tibial sesamoid were graded using the center of head method. Seventy-six radiographs were available for review at the 12-month follow-up. Of these, 41 patients underwent DWSR procedure and 35 did not.

Results: In both groups, correction of all 3 parameters (HVA, IMA, tibial sesamoid position) were significant at the 12-month follow-up. Comparison of the postoperative results of the 2 groups showed no statistically significant differences. Four feet demonstrated displaced sesamoid position at the12-month follow-up, with radiographic evidence of recurrence in just one. No significant relationship was found between postoperative sesamoid position and hallux valgus recurrence that occurred in 4 feet.

Conclusion: Combining DWSR with a distal chevron osteotomy did not delay healing or increase risk of avascular necrosis, but it did not significantly improve angular measurements or sesamoid position. The concept that postoperative sesamoid position can be used to predict hallux valgus recurrence was not supported by our results when looking at distal chevron correction.


图1. 术前负重正位片上标记拇外翻角(HVA)和跖骨间角(IMA)

图2. 依胫侧籽骨相对第一跖骨轴线位置所描述的分度





