基于Unigraphics NX和Mimics软件的股骨远端骨折三维虚拟手术研究


2011-06-01 点击量:1228   我要说


摘要:目的 利用Unigraphics NX和Mimics软件进行股骨远端骨折虚拟手术,为术前精确设计手术方案提供真实可靠的依据.方法 选取6例股骨远端骨折患者,利用Mimics 10.01软件对股骨远端骨折患者的CT扫描数据进行三维重建,Unigraphics NX软件对手术器械进行实体建模.利用U-nigraphics NX软件系统仿真模拟股骨远端骨折微创内固定系统钢板固定手术和逆行髓内钉固定手术,进行股骨远端骨折患者术前的虚拟手术研究,初步指导临床应用.结果 仿真手术过程真实逼真,立体可视化效果好,并可预测骨折复位状念及手术效果,微创内固定系统钢板对位合适,髓内钉对位对线准确,螺钉进针点安全可靠.结论 利用Unigraphics NX和Mimics软件进行虚拟手术具有较强的可视效果,对提高股骨远端骨折手术的安全性和准确性具有重要作用.
Abstract:Objective To report computer-aided three-dimensional visualization of simulated surgery for distal femoral fractures using software Unigraphics NX and Mimics. Methods The preoperative CT scans of 6 patients with distal femoral fractures were used for three-dimensional reconstruction of distal femoral fractures using software Mimics. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the surgical instruments using the modeling function of software Unigraphics NX. The assembly function of software Unigraphics NX was used to vi-sualize the simulated internal fixations of distal femoral fractures with both Less Invasive Stable System plates and the retrograde nails. The operative procedures simulated by the software Unigraphics NX were analyzed preoperatively. Results The simulated operative procedures were clearly and vividly visualized in three-dimensions, The fracture reduction and operative effects could be predicted. Conclusion This system of three-dimensional visualization of simulated surgery for distal femoral fractures using software Unigraphics NX and Mimics can help surgeons make preoperative predictions and select reliable methods to improve the reliability and effectiveness of the orthopaedic surgery.