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Disorders of the Proximal and Distal Aspects of the Biceps Muscle

第一作者: Lucas S. McDonald

2013-07-09 点击量:493   我要说

LCDR Lucas S. McDonald,CDR Christopher B. Dewing

LCDR Paul G. Shupe,CDR Matthew T. Provencher

Proximal Aspect of Biceps 

➤ Tenodesis of the long head of the biceps may offer improved cosmesis, improved strength, and diminished activity-related pain compared with tenotomy, although comparative studies have shown similar outcomes in some patient populations.

Distal Aspect of Biceps 

➤ Operative treatment of both partial and complete distal biceps ruptures results in better outcomes compared with nonoperative care, although the optimal technique and fixation are yet to be determined.

➤ Nonoperative management is an acceptable treatment for patients willing to accept some loss of forearm supination and elbow flexion strength as well as changes in endurance and cosmesis.




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