Five-level noncontiguous spinal injuries of cervical region: report of a case and literature review

第一作者:GUO Hong-gang

2012-10-19 点击量:566   我要说

GUO Hong-gang, MA Xin-long, LI Feng-tan, FENG Shi-qing


The incidence of multiple noncontiguous spinal injuries (MNSI) in the cervical spine is rare but has catastrophic consequences. The patient in this report was a 34-year-old woman with five-level cervical MNSI. CT and MRI showed that injuries included atlantoaxial instability, burst fracture of C6, dislocation of C6/7, rupture of the intervertebal disc or ligamentous complex, and irreversible cord damage. The mechanism for this case was a combined pattern of hyperflexion, compression, and hyperextension injuries. A review of the literature revealed that this case is the first report in the literature of a vehicle related accident causing five-level noncontiguous injuries of the cervical spine.
