Horseshoe kidney with retrocaval ureter: one case report
第一作者:SHEN Hong-liang
2012-10-16 点击量:565 我要说
SHEN Hong-liang, YANG Pei-qian, DU Lin-dong, LÜ Wen-cheng , TIAN Ye
Horseshoe kidney and retrocaval ureter are uncommon congenital anomalies of the genitourinary system that are easily diagnosed by typical imaging features. Both anomalies presenting in one patient is a rare disease characterized by isthmus of horseshoe kidney between the abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava. The clinical diagnosis and treatment of horseshoe kidney with retrocaval ureter remain a challenge. Here, we reported a case of a 44-year-old man with the two anomalies who was preoperatively diagnosed by unenhanced computed tomography scanning immediately after retrograde pyelography. The literatures on such combined anomalies are reviewed and the diagnostic evaluation and surgical management of this rare entity are discussed.