
2022-03-01   文章来源:304关节学术   作者:译者:罗殿中 点击量:875 我要说




1 该患者39岁,花园体力劳动者,因双髋疼痛求诊,发现双侧股骨头坏死、左股骨头塌陷。左侧进行全髋关节置换,无症状的右髋注射了干细胞。术后1X线片显示,右股骨头保持圆形。

2 同一患者术后一年双髋核磁,无并发症

3 术后三年,右侧股骨头轻度塌陷

4 同一患者术后3年,核磁显示右股骨头坏死软骨分离。患者尚未回归工作,坐姿活动无疼痛;跑步或某天剧烈运动后感受到右腹股沟中度疼痛。他对置换一侧的结果很满意,想急于做右侧手术,以便早日恢复职业工作。


Treatments ofavascular osteonecrosis of the hip:Current treatments

Conservativetreatments for aseptic osteonecrosis of the femoral head have their ancestor inthe core decompression of the femoral neck, recommended by Ficat. Due toinconsistent results, this treatment has been optimized by either vascularizedfibular grafting, or by injecting autologous stem cells into the necrotic zone.The French promoters have published long-term results, showing efficacy in theearly stages of the disease, where the femoral head has not yet lost itssphericity. Over the last 10years, comparative studies, sometimes randomized,opposing them to simple core decompression, have been published bynon-promoters, confirming the possibility of stabilization or even regressionof necrosis area. But these techniques are not easy to implement. Cell therapyrequires treatment of marrow samples by centrifugation to obtain a pellet witha high concentration of haematopoietic cells. The now proven long-term efficacyas well as the safety of this technique make it the method of choice fortreating young patients detected at the sub-radiological stage by MRI.Unfortunately, many are seen late with detached cephalic cartilage or collapsedfemoral head and have no other option than total hip arthroplasty. Thistechnique is very reliable. With alumina ceramics, results of more than 20yearsshow the absence of wear and osteolysis, although other complications such asinstability or periprosthetic fractures may occur in these young and activepatients.

文献出处:Massin P.Treatments of avascular osteonecrosis of the hip: Current treatments.Morphologie. 2021 Jun;105(349):120-126. doi: 10.1016/j.morpho.2020.06.003. Epub2020 Jul 8. PMID: 32653168.
