Passive Hip Range of Motion Predicts Femoral Torsion and Acetabular Version
第一作者:Vivek Chadayammuri
2016-02-04 点击量:794 我要说
Vivek Chadayammuri, Tigran Garabekyan, Asheesh Bedi, Cecilia Pascual Garrido
Jason Rhodes, John O’Hara, Omer Mei-Dan
Orientation abnormalities of the acetabulum and femur have been implicated in early-onset coxarthrosis. The purpose of this study was to identify clinical examination findings predictive of such hip morphologies.
A consecutive cohort of 221 patients (442 hips) undergoing hip arthroscopy was included. Demographic characteristics including age, diagnosis, sex, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and physical activity level were recorded. Passive range of motion was measured for all hips. Preoperative computed tomography scans were utilized to measure femoral torsion and central acetabular version, and a combined femoral torsion-acetabular version (COTAV) index was defined as their sum.
The study cohort comprised 221 patients (sixty-four males, 157 females) with a mean age of 32.5 years and mean BMI of 24.2 kg/m2. Overall, hips with femoral antetorsion and acetabular anteversion exhibited the greatest internal rotation range of motion at a neutral hip position (mean, 44.2°), whereas hips with femoral retrotorsion and acetabular retroversion demonstrated the lowest corresponding value (20.1°; p < 0.001). Femoral torsion was significantly associated with female sex (p < 0.001), BMI (p < 0.001), and presence of pathology corresponding to cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) (p = 0.044). Central acetabular version was significantly associated with age (p = 0.021), female sex (p < 0.001), and absence of mixed-type FAI pathology (p = 0.025). Increasing age and internal rotation range of motion at a neutral hip position were the most significant predictors of an increased COTAV index.
This study confirmed that passive hip range of motion significantly predicts combined femoral torsion and central acetabular version. Accurate clinical assessment of the COTAV index may inform surgical decision-making in hip preservation surgery.