What’s New in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
第一作者:Jonathan Braman
2014-12-10 点击量:507 我要说
Jonathan Braman,Andrew Neviaser,Bradford Parsons
This article was updated on November 3, 2014, because of a previous error. In the Lateral Epicondylitis section, the p value in the third sentence regarding the study by Mishra et al. has been corrected from 0.19 (nonsignificant) to 0.019 (indicating a significant difference in favor of the PRP group), so that the sentence now reads “At twenty-four weeks of follow-up, the improvement in the pain score was 71.5% in the PRP group compared with 56.1% in the control group (p = 0.019).”
This annual update on shoulder and elbow surgery is a review of the most pertinent and impactful studies published from January 2013 to February 2014. It includes clinical and basic science articles from The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American Volume), the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, The American Journal of Sports Medicine, and Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery. The level of evidence is indicated at the end of each review (when known), and particular attention should be paid to the Level-I and II studies as they represent randomized, controlled investigations.