2014-05-28 点击量:1090 我要说
魏波 顾强荣 杜小涛 李栋 王黎明
To diagnose and treat multiple thoracic vertebral metastases of thyroid follicular carcinoma accompanied by vertebral instability.
On December 9th, 2013, a patient with multiple thoracic vertebral metastases of thyroid follicular carcinoma was adopted and treated, whose clinical data were analyzed.
The patient was diagnosed as multiple thoracic vertebral metastases of thyroid follicular carcinoma by single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography ( SPECT ) and whole-body Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI ). Due to the presence of vertebral instability, the risk of vertebral collapse or spinal cord injury existed. Open reduction and internal fixation were performed under general anesthesia. Moreover, palliative care of tumors was temporarily carried out, and thoracic vertebral metastases were further treated after the operation. The general condition of the patient was good postoperatively. Additionally, the X-ray showed good position of the pedicle screw system. Reexamination was performed at 1 month after the operation. The spinal stability recovered, and the range of motion of the lumbar was not obviously limited. No complications such as incision infections, nerve injuries or deep venous thrombosis of lower limbs were noticed. The postoperative X-ray showed good position of the pedicle screw system and no lossening, bending or breakage of the internal fixator.
For the patients with multiple thoracic vertebral metastases of thyroid follicular carcinoma accompanied by vertebral instability, surgical operation is an optimal option. With more secure and targeted therapy, satisfactory stability of the spine will be obtained.