臀部软组织透明细胞肉瘤一例报告 (英文)
2013-11-28 点击量:848 我要说
李福生 徐绍年 杜振广 黄海 王亮 侯慧
Clear cell sarcoma ( CCS ) is an exceptional kind of soft connective tissue tumor, and tends to occur at the end of the limbs, especially the foot and ankle. CCS rarely occurs in the trunk and head. CCS grows slowly, with a long medical history. And the larger tumors can result in pain and tenderness. The immunochemistry is positive for the markers of HMB45, S-100 and Vimentin. The primary treatment of CCS is surgical removal. The prognosis is mainly affected by the size of tumors and wide resection or not. The role of radiotherapy and chemotherapy is expected to be testified. Interferon and interleukin may play a role in reducing the recurrence and elevating the patient’s overall survival rate. In general, the prognosis of CCS is relatively poor. In this article, a case of haunch soft tissue clear sarcoma is reported.