Reform direction of medical education in China: implementing “competency-based” medical education

第一作者:LI Hai-chao

2013-10-29 点击量:504   我要说

LI Hai-chao ,WANG Chen

       For over 100 years, medical education has achieved continuous development and progress all over the world. Flexner’s report in 1910 brought modern science into the curricula of medical schools. In the 1960s, problem-based learning (PBL) was born in Canada and quickly achieved wide use. From the beginning of the 21st century, with increasing specialization in medicine, the “silo effect” has become more apparent. The inequality in healthcare and low efficiency of the entire health system has become prominent problems. These have brought about new challenges for medical education—how to implement accountable medical education so as to rectify the current situation. Therefore, “competency-based” medical education, as an important feature of the third generation medical education reform, has gradually become the trend.1 However, currently in most medical schools in China, PBL is still flourishing, which indicates that we are still at the second generation of medical education reform.

         The public’s desire for equality in healthcare as well as the glaring conflicts in the doctor-patient relationship2 requires us to take swifter action to implement “competency-based” medical education. Presently, throughout the world, mature “competency-based” training is mainly conducted during the residency training stage. These include America’s Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) core competency4 and Canada’s Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) CanMEDS framework.5 Training objectives such as ”practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, and systems-based practice” from the ACGME’s core competency and the roles of “communicator, manager, collaborator, health advocator” from CanMEDS framework, all place more emphasis on the competency of doctors, so that they can play an important role in the entire health system in the future.

