肱骨小头冠状面骨折治疗进展 (英文)


2013-10-28 点击量:749   我要说

姜刚强         李海峰          阮狄克

     Coronal shear fractures of the capitellum are uncommon elbow fractures, and the major injury mechanism is that axial extrusion forces from the radius were transmitted to the capitellum. Computerized tomography ( CT ) examination plays an important role in preoperative assessment of fractures and surgical plan-making. Dubberley classification is usually used to direct the surgical treatment of fractures and judge the healing. Most of such fractures belong to intra-articular fractures, so the effects of conservative treatment are not good, and the incidence of postoperative complications such as avascular necrosis and joint stiffness is higher. Open reduction and internal fixation ( ORIF ) is considered to be an ideal plan in the treatment of coronal shear fractures of the capitellum. Posterior and lateral approaches are commonly used in the treatment of such fractures. But currently, the choice of internal fixation screws remains controversial. The effects of resection of fracture fragments are satisfactory in the treatment of coronal shear fractures with trochlea of humerus not involved. Minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery provides a new train of thought for the treatment of fractures. Elbow arthroplasty and ORIF combined with external fixator can be used in the treatment of special type fractures. Functional exercise in the early stage after the operation plays an important role for the elbow joint function recovery.
